Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Feeling Outnumbered?

Today our newlywed nephew brought his bride to meet us. I was reminded that when he and two brothers were little I decided I wanted three boys because these nephews were so precious and all boy! I prayed and God answered with three boys and just about the same spacing as the nephews. The older one is about 2 1/2 years older than the next and the other two are about a year apart. Isn't God sweet?

The girls heard this story and gave a few groans. "You asked for this?" They love the boys--most of the time. Our six girls came first! My husband was so sure that number 7 was to be a girl, that he went and bought bunches of girl only diapers! The folks at Wal*Mart thought it was hilarious when he had to return them! When you have a large family in a small town, everyone knows you!

The point of this whole story is that when you are feeling overwhelmed with diapers and feeling outnumbered, remember that someday, these children will be on their honeymoon and having babies! We are sowing in tears but we will reap in joy!

There is a Texas twist on the saying, "To make a long story short." My Texas relatives like to say that we make a short story long!

I hope you feel better after you read this. I never believed it when people said that children grow up so quickly--but they do! About your times of too many diapers, too many fusses, too many messes: This too shall pass!
Homeschool Mother of Many

1 comment:

  1. Hi from one homeschooling mom of many to another. My husband and I have 7 daughters so far. Ask him if he feels outnumbered!
