Friday, June 03, 2005

Revival Starts At Home!

My housekeeping has never been the greatest. In my family we say we are housekeeping challenged! When I was a new Christian I heard someone who suggested that if we thought about what Jesus would think if he walked into our home, it would motivate us to keep our house cleaner. That worked for about fifteen years! Then I finally learned that Jesus isn't looking at my house--He is looking at my heart.

Needless to say, we are busy with life, and the house has gradually accumulated excess stuff. It had come to the point that it was impossible to clean around the junk. I was frustrated with the whole situation and fussed about it. The children would clean their room, only to be junky within a week. We were walking around stuff in the halls. I prayed and asked God to have mercy and send a housecleaning miracle! I knew it was bigger than anything I could do in less than a year of intensive housecleaning.

Recently my daughter with the recessive clean genes decided to clean our bathroom in a major way. (I let her use my bathroom in return for cleaning it--it gets crowded in the girls' bathroom.) This time she scrubbed it from top to bottom, every nook and cranny. She even took down the curtains and dejunked the cabinets. With such a clean environment, I realized that it was time for a new paint job. Then we decided that we needed to get some cheap plastic containers to organize our make up and hair stuff and to get it off the counter. My bathroom now looks fabulous and is very easy to clean.

Inspired by one success, I started dejunking the kitchen--one cabinet at a time. It was very doable and fun because I wasn't doing the whole entire house. Everything about the house was getting better. At this point other family members took notice. Before I knew it, the girls were dejunking their own rooms and helping the boys (the three youngest) do theirs. The boys filled a giant trashbag with outgrown clothes that kept rotating around their room during various cleanups. Now we knew why they couldn't keep their room clean for more that a day or two.

Pondering the amazing "turnaround" in our home, God reminded me about the revival verse, 2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." KJV

As much as I hate to admit it, when I got rid of my bad attitude about the condition of my home and started to do something about my own part of it, a housekeeping revival started in my home! No amount of striving, cajoling, begging, or threatening produced any housekeeping miracles. It was humbling myself to admit that my housekeeping skills were wretched; seeking God for help (instead of man/children); and repenting of my own wickedness by cleaning up my areas of the house that caused God to hear from heaven, forgive my sin, and heal my "land".
It is so simple, but we keep making it so hard! I love this verse about striving:
Isaiah 30:15
"For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.
Many times God told Israel to return to Him and rest in Him and to be quiet and confident in Him. Time and again, they did not. Take a moment to return to God and rest in Him. Be quiet and confident in Him--that He will take care of your situation. Put your trust in Him!



Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It's Why I Homeschool--One Reason, Anyway!

It is humbling to realize that one of the reasons the Lord has parents teach their children at home is to teach the parents!

One can feel pride swelling up as we think about the supermom homeschooling thing. You know, I taught them how to walk, talk, and read! Fortunately, it is nipped in the bud by teenage daughters who gain a bit of wisdom along the way.

Case in point: I recently started wearing contacts. Not a big deal unless you are over fifty and extremely nearsighted with astigmatism and in need of reading glasses--which I am. After numerous trips to change out one lens or the other, I was expressing my frustration about "never being able to adjust to them and being ready to give up."

My homeschooled daughter (age 17) rightly pointed out that I was complaining and that my words were negative! She reminded me that I was the one who told everyone if you wake up with a scratchy throat and say you are getting sick, then you will get sick. Then she said I needed to decide that I can wear contacts and that they are wonderful. Helpfully she offered the advice that it took her a year before her contacts were really comfortable and that she took a day off every once in a while.

It was one of those moments where you realize God does have a plan and you'd better practice what you preach! Homeschooling is a two way street! Isn't that the way? God has you teaching but he feeds you at the same time.

Hope you are learning something wonderful today and enjoying your children!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Feeling Outnumbered?

Today our newlywed nephew brought his bride to meet us. I was reminded that when he and two brothers were little I decided I wanted three boys because these nephews were so precious and all boy! I prayed and God answered with three boys and just about the same spacing as the nephews. The older one is about 2 1/2 years older than the next and the other two are about a year apart. Isn't God sweet?

The girls heard this story and gave a few groans. "You asked for this?" They love the boys--most of the time. Our six girls came first! My husband was so sure that number 7 was to be a girl, that he went and bought bunches of girl only diapers! The folks at Wal*Mart thought it was hilarious when he had to return them! When you have a large family in a small town, everyone knows you!

The point of this whole story is that when you are feeling overwhelmed with diapers and feeling outnumbered, remember that someday, these children will be on their honeymoon and having babies! We are sowing in tears but we will reap in joy!

There is a Texas twist on the saying, "To make a long story short." My Texas relatives like to say that we make a short story long!

I hope you feel better after you read this. I never believed it when people said that children grow up so quickly--but they do! About your times of too many diapers, too many fusses, too many messes: This too shall pass!
Homeschool Mother of Many

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Homeschool Mothers are Inspirational!

Today I had the pleasure of attending a brunch for homeschool mothers (no children--just this once!). I'm not usually around so many veteran teachers at home. As my family grows older, I seem to be needed more around the home as they are the ones who are going places. I feel like the home plate in a baseball game--always here waiting for the runners to come in!

In the midst of the brunch we heard a testimony from a missionary about to return to the mission field after nine years of homeschooling her children and teaching other outgoing missionaries. Then there was a wonderful devotion by another homeschool vet. While both of these were very inspiring, I was amazed that what "got to me" was the "little" words of encouragement that came from the other guests. It was "Yes, the Lord has a plan for you." or "Isn't God good?" The little things were so uplifting--like the chorus of a great song.

I guess the point of this is that while it's the little foxes that spoil the vine, the reverse is also true: It's the little encouragements, the sweet inspiring comments from "everyhomeschoolmom" that make the day. Go inspire someone with a "little" encouragement. You are an inspirational encouraging homeschool mother!
Homeschool Mother of Many

Friday, April 29, 2005

Considering Homeschooling?

Would you like to be 98% sure that your child will be a believing Christian upon graduation from high school? Did you know that 98% of Christian homeschoolers keep their faith in Jesus Christ?

On the other hand, 89% of Christian children sent to public school drop out of church, and do not hold a Christian worldview by high school graduation.

That is pretty scary. Please prayerfully consider teaching your children at home!

You can find more information about Considering Homeschooling at:

The statistics I quoted above can be found on the Center for Excellence in Education web site at:

Be a doer of the Word, not just a hearer.
Homeschool Mother of Many

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Welcome to My Blog

Thanks for reading this!
I wanted to share what I have learned in my walk with the Lord. Looking back to the time when I first became a Christian, I remember longing for an older Christian woman to mentor me. Now that I have that first grandchild, I am mentoring my own "married with children" daughter.

It's all coming back now and I'd better write it down for you! Hab 2:2 says, "And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."

I will use the KJV for scripture because it is in the public domain.

Topics will include my favorites: Mothering Many, Homeschooling, and whatever the Lord lays on my heart.

Homeschool Mother of Many